Scared to do this acting like I don't have a million things on my plate anymore. Hm..5am and 5 million thins to do that I clearly have no time for but I spend some more time enjoying myself and some time to myself. Actually that was what I did this Saturday- as pictured. It's been a little while since those. The last couple of weekends I was on short trips or just comfortably reading from morning till after midnight because that's how uni is supposed to look like.
I'm sorry for the instagram overload- exactly when my views were increasing I started this not so fine thing. Even now- I post when I'm supposed to be doing something else ( from a million stuff) that is sadly ( as most of the things I involved myself into ) due today.
No sleep in over 24 hours and counting. I've done a lot of thing today. But I've developed this habbit. But to being an incurable melancholic person--I've come to make the most out of the moment and create for myself new and joyful situations. The thing is that I omit to do the things I need to do! Hm...still working on this. Brb with a good answer if it will all come to me.
Work, uni, shopping, strawberries, starbucks, friends, car selfies haha ...all, everything in one day. Because that's what makes a good day for me. Enjoying pits and pieces from everything, just like when you have a plate with different types of food. Mmm..