
curiosity and passion

As I am busy with love and with not sleep at night but instead sleep during the day and read and dream and make plans during the night-time.
I've just made plans about visiting Asia. Reading this dear book for me now: Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert. I've actually bought 3 books of her and read them in turns. I start a lot of books from different areas and with different topics. This does not mean that I finish them. As I've say: I start them haha! I've started the The Power of Now, a book about photography, some Elle and Mango magazines also lie there, some books for school about Media Discourse and American Popular Culture ( as I study American Studies ), Freud's Memoirs, and Hemingway's Green Hills of Africa.
I guess many more. But just wanted to share my enthusiasm. I am a very slow reader. I could guess the reason ( I stop in between the lines of the book and stare around hahah ) and maybe you would start and finish some of the books of a topic of your choice based on passion, interest and curiosity. Curiosity and passion make a morning a good one. You can also intensify that effect they have on you actually acting on a whim or with a plane beforehand. But surely clothes and fashion do that to your brain, morning, day and social and interior life. Just find passion and act on it or just enjoy having it/having found it.

Here I am: the first picture is post an dance workshop ( west coast swing ) because why not!? I actually love dance more than a lot of things. But don't think about it too much as it's so much part of myself. As I am more like a rebel in thinking and in having a discomfort in being said what to do, I like more of a free-style kind of dance. But after this intense workshop I've started to understand some things and understood that I need to educate myself also in this field. I guess everyone should. I mean why not!? I guess you can answer that in the right and in the best way after attending some dance courses. And only after a couple more- when you will ask yourself question- because you let yourself understand things when you allow yourself and at the time when you are curious about them.

And the second picture is me on a work break. Coffee break to me more precise. I haven't pre-planned a shoot for the blog and that's the reason behind the lack of posting lately. Also, I've bought some new clothes. I just don't look no more at the price tag. I look for things to love. I guess maybe it is not healthy but all my life I've done it otherwise, so. I'm also not big on owning things as I buy rarely and also just the things I like. I've found that by buying like that you don't find stress. The planets align haha. There's such a perfect feeling to know you have clothes you love and can't wait to get into them. I'm at that stage now. Keep you posted how it will go. But now I have my India plan in mind so I'm all good - as I am as I've always been, all in balance- I seriously am 50% reality and 50% with my head around clouds. Which keep things interesting. None or both win therefore it's all ok. Balanced.

You take care and take care of your curiosity. Nourish and feed it. Elizabeth Gilbert and I tell you that.

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