
ZARA white dress in the green field between little white flowers

I've had these picture in my laptop for a while- well around three weeks but I decided to post them now.
I wore a dress from Zara that I paired with white Converse that are not pictured while in between cities. I had a shoot in a city around Timisoara and on the way home I do what I usually do: see a place, picture in my head what I want, I say 'Stop the car here' and just do my thing. The green of the filed was so strong that I knew it has to go lovely with my white dress and when I also saw the white flowers it was already decided in my head.

Anyway, these days I've spend a lot of time at home just thinking, editing, enjoying some food, watching movies and some reading but not enough. I have such a strong drive for doing something, to act that sitting still and just reading just can't at all times be in the cards.


pijama look at The Danube River

The day I shot these pictures I went to sleep late that night and in the morning my friend called to go out. I rapidly slipped into this silky Mango shirt and shorts. That was the point of my outfit- to feel that touch the silk does to your body. Skipped make-up and we drove to the Danube, walked, talked and took some shots. Then, not planned I went to a barbecue in the same place above. I opted for not changing my outfit. It's what I do- unexpected dressing in the most unexpected situations. I think there's something about me and rebelling against something (through my dressing this time). I felt kind of moody a bit and acting like this made me feel like in control plus the silky feel on my body was a plus.

Motto of my week:

Stii care e primul lucru pe care trebuie sa il faci daca vrei sa iesi dintr-o situatie nedorita? To let go of control. Sometimes that's the only thing that makes you stay in that same situation on end.


coconut oil

Ce produs nou folosesc zilele astea: ulei de nuca de cocos.
Imi place sa am grija de fata mea inainte de culcare chiar si in noptile cand e deja tarziu si mai am doar cateva ore de somn. In felul asta dimineata ma trezesc mai zambitoare. E foarte bun si pentru albirea dintilor si rezultate se vad chiar in secunda urmatoare.

What i'm using at the moment: coconut oil.
I like to take some time to take off my make-up, hydrate, moisturize and take care of my face. It's my treat for me. Even if I know it's long after midnight and I have around 3 hours to sleep, I still take time to do this because I know I will feel so so good in the morning. This coconut oil is so so good for teeth whitening. Results can be seen after the very first use. I do this in the morning and at night and because I know I'll see results the next second I do it with a smile. I know it takes me longer to get ready for the day and for the office but my day gets better after I take time for me to enjoy myself and do some things I like like reading, or a cup of cappuccino.



hair flip

I do love those hair flips! I do use this in my photography. I like the fact that everyone does it differently and it never looks the same- not even at the same person.
This pijama look coming next on the blog.
Stay tuned for some new content!


black and white

I'm currently back in town. I came yesterday after 3 weeks away. I slept, ate and woke up around 10 pm and read Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath till around 4am.
This morning I took a long bath. Made myself a hair mask containing one yolk, 2 spoons of olive oil, avocado and 2 spoons of honey. I spent the day enjoying myself and taking care of my body inside and outside. Long day tomorrow at school and at work. Now I'm editing some pictures for my photography Facebook page.  I have so many from these recent trips to Calafat!! Day and night I keep thinking about ways to promote myself.
Talk to you tomorrow!

 Ieri m-am intors in Timisoara dupa ce am fost plecata 3 saptamani. Am dormit pana la 10 seara, am mancat, mi-am facut un cappuccino si am citit Fructele maniei de Steinbeck pana la 4 dimineata si am mancat Raffaello facute in casa. Cand m-am trezit azi mi-am facut o masca de par din 1 galbenus, 2 linguri de ulei de masline, avocado pisat si 2 linguri de miere. Mi-am hidratat corpul cu ulei de argan si ulei de cocos (so so goood!!). Maine ma asteapta o zi lunga la scoala dar si la birou. Acum editez ceva poze din ultimele mele vacante la Calafat pentru pagina mea foto: Simona N Photography. Am asa multe! Oricum, zilele si noptile mi le petrec gandindu-ma la cat mai multe moduri noi de a ma promova. Am obiective scrise zilnic intr-o agenda cu imaginea Turnului Eiffel pe coperta. Am urmarit un Ted Talk zilele trecute in timp ce editam ceva poze si lasam prezentarile sa mearga una dupa alta, un Ted Talk interesant in care cel care vorbea recomanda sa iti scrii in fiecare zi pe o foaie de hartie obiective pe care sa le imparti in 3 categorii: azi, maine, saptamana asta. Now that's working on your dream! 

Poza de mai sus e de la un curs de make-up la care am facut poze. Dar zilele astea sunt fascinata de video si imi tot vin idei si exaltari pe tema asta. Vreau sa ma pun cat mai repede pe treaba dar vine si sesiunea...
Oricum... ne auzim maine cu un nou look.




I was in Budapest for a few days one month ago for some photo shootings. These pictures above were shot on my last morning there on Liberty Bridge and this is what I wore. It was very cold and that's why I had all of my clothes from my bag on me haha. I travel very light. I always have one bag- my handbag. In which I also carry my camera. I don't like to carry things in my hands. For some reason I don't feel at ease. I like to be free for the new.
Also, about my outfit, I don't like having a t-shirt or any other garment besides a bra under my shirt or sweater when I only wear them. But here I wore a red t-shirt for the pop of color. I have so many neutrals in my closet now that sometimes when shopping I just see a strong colored item of clothing and I especially want it for that reason mainly.

I wore Zara coat, bag, jeans. Stradivarius sweater, t-shirt and boots, Bershka shirt.

Design by | SweetElectric