Picked this up in a gas station at around 2am in Calafat on my way over to Timisoara. Needed the inspiration. Craved it. Now I have a similar shoot in mind like the ones you see on the covers. Can't wait! I hope to make it happen in two weeks if nothing comes in between. I love to pick up magazines in the most random places. And because it's unexpected I feel it's much needed. If you want it- inspiration finds you. My opinion!

Here I am rocking a red cropped top. Different days, different shorts. First ones are vintage Levi's I picked up in a different city around my town a few years back. The second ones are H&M and I picked them around a month or so I think. I borrowed a few summer clothes from my newly made friend. She works with me at the office and we clicked from the start. In August there are a lot of sales but I somehow felt like the things I found in stores are not what I wanted to my trip to the countryside and she helped me with a few variants. It felt so good! It's like when you have a best friend that is far from you and wearing her clothes makes her more close to you. It keeps you safe. I'm sure you understand the feeling. Though reading it it's kind of strange.

What I wore on my last day in the city before leaving the next day. Still have to post this outfit. I wore heels with my newly bought Zara mustard dress but than changed to Converse since I wanted to do a bit of shopping. Also because I found a new person in me so to say when/from wearing heels (at the office mostly). I like this combo above. The mustard dress and baby pink bag and the white from the chucks. What do you think? I'm so bad at wearing shoes!! The worst! And that is the reason behind me wearing the same shoes over and over again.

On the road for a few hours. Visiting relatives and those fields always catch my eye and a multitude of editorials run before my eyes. As much as I love it I hate it! It's so painful to let them go into nothing!

Some more takes with me from this almost three weeks trip to the place I spent most of my holidays at. These are pictures with me in between shoots I did. I take pictures because I need to express myself and because I feel like it. I somehow want to capture my mood, the present moment, a glimpse of me etc. Do you feel the same thing? I'm talking about a thing from within. I think that's why I don't have so many casual pictures with me. I don't quite see the need for them. Most of the time.

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